Your Workplace Pyjamas Can Help End Period Poverty

For every piece of workwear bought from May 28 – June 28, Ergonaut will donate a menstrual cup through The Cova Project, to combat period poverty.

Every menstrual cup donated gives a girl up to ten years of safe sanitary care. For young girls, it allows them to attend school for an additional 50 days they would otherwise miss out on.

The Cova Project works with local partner organisations to responsibly distribute the eco-friendly cups and educational materials, with accurate visual representation of the girls.

“Girls in developing communities often drop out of school entirely because they are unequipped to manage menstruation. The ripple effect is huge. We know that educating girls is good for developing economies and improving socio economic growth.

We know that educated women are more likely to enter political discussions and that having women in government reduces corruption,” says GD Anderson, founder of The Cova Project.

The 30 day campaign kickstarts on Menstrual Hygiene Day (28th May) - a global initiative committed to a world where no woman or girl is kept from realising her full potential because she menstruates.

 You can take part in Menstrual Hygiene Day by having a Bloody Mary with your girlfriends, opening conversation about period poverty and donating to The Cova Project when you buy any piece from the Ergonaut collection.

To date, the Cova Project has distributed 10,400 menstrual cups – an eco-friendly technology that allows girls to experience freedom from the financial and physical burden of menstruation.